After installing the necessary tools,
we are ready to create our application. The project will consist of two modules - backend and frontend, so let's use the following folder structure:
- application root folder
- backend
- frontend
Backend Initialization
There are a few ways to initialize Spring Boot Project:
- Make it manually
- Using dialog window in Spring Tool Suite
- Using embedded Spring Initilizr in IntelliJ IDEA (available in Ultimate Edition only)
- Classic way - using Spring Initializr
Use the following project configuration:
- Project: Maven Project
- Language: Kotlin
- Spring Boot: 2.1.6
- Project Metadata: Java 8, JAR packaging (the rest - at your discretion)
- Dependencies:
- Spring Web Starter
- Spring Boot Actuator
- Spring Boot DevTools
Then extract the archive to project root directory. Go to the backend project directory and execute:
$ mvn install
If everything is OK, you'll see "BUILD SUCCESS".
So, now we can run the application:
$ mvn spring-boot:run
Press Ctrl+C to terminate the application.
$ mvn install
If everything is OK, you'll see "BUILD SUCCESS".
So, now we can run the application:
$ mvn spring-boot:run
We have no web-pages and no web-methods yet, but we have Actuator in our application. To check the application works, you can go to http://localhost:8080/actuator There you will see something like that:
Press Ctrl+C to terminate the application.
Frontend Initialization
Go to the project root directory and execute:
$ vue create frontend
Select "default" - that's enough for our project:
Remove .git and .gitignore files from frontend directory. Now go to this directory and run the frontend app:
$ npm run serve
You will see the default Vue.js page at http://localhost:8080/
Backend and Frontend Integration
Crate a pom.xml file in the root project directory:
- Packaging: pom
- Parent: spring-boot-starter-parent
- Modules:
- frontend
- backend
Make some changes in backend module pom.xml:- Change parent (I named my project demo)
- Remove version
- Packaging - JAR
- Specify start class: properties -> start class -> ...
- Specify main class: build -> plugins -> spring-boot-maven-plugin -> configuration -> mainClass -> ...
- Add maven-resource-plugin to copy Vue.js frontend content
Add pom.xml to frontend directory:
- artifactId: frontend
- Parent: demo
- Plugins: frontend-maven-plugin
Change the title of the web-page: frontend -> public -> index.html
Commonly, node projects will create a dist/ directory for builds which contains the minified source code of the web app - but we want it all in /target. Therefore we need to create the optional vue.config.js and configure the outputDir and assetsDir correctly:
module.exports = {
outputDir: 'target/dist',
assetsDir: 'static'
$ mvn install
$ mvn --project backend spring-boot:run
module.exports = {
outputDir: 'target/dist',
assetsDir: 'static'
Backend + Frontend
If you're using IntelliJ IDEA and have problems with the displaying project structure, read this
Now go to the root project directory and build the project completely:
$ mvn install
Then run the application:
$ mvn --project backend spring-boot:run
If everything is fine, you will see the Vue.js default page at http://localhost:8080/
Ways to Improve
- Use Gradle for project building (if it is considered to be an improvement)
- Cover the code with unit test (no doubt, this is a best practice)
- Baeldung - Java, Spring and Web Development tutorials
- Vue.js Frontend with a Spring Boot Backend
- Special thanks: This article inspired me to create my own tutorial
- Git Repository
- Application
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