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Kotlin + Spring + Vue: Database Connection

One of the most important features of any application
is an ability to interact with database. Let's implement that in our application.


  • Configure database source (PostgreSQL) in Heroku Environment
  • Implement JPA using Spring Data
  • Configure data repository
  • Implement access to database stored data using REST API

Configure PostgreSQL with Heroku

Postgres Resource

#1 Go to your application account in Heroku and then Application -> Resources -> Add-ons -> Heroku Postgres:

#2 Select Plan:

#3 Now you can see the added Postgres resource. Click on it:

#4 Settings -> View Credentials

Here you can see your database credentials.

NOTE: These credentials are not permanent. Heroku rotates credentials periodically and updates applications where this database is attached.

You can access your database using Heroku CLI or pgAdmin.

Environment Variables

#1 Application -> Settings -> Reveal Config Vars:

#2 Add the followings variables using this format:
SPRING_DATASOURCE_URL = jdbc:postgresql://hostname:port/db_name

Create Test database

Create table:

CREATE TABLE public."person"
          id serial NOT NULL,
          name character varying,
          PRIMARY KEY (id)

And fill it with the some data:

INSERT INTO person (name) VALUES ('John'), ('Griselda'), ('Bobby');

Configure Backend


Add to backend pom.xml:






IMPORTANT: you can see pom.xml completely at the Git repo

Application Properties

Add following configs to


spring.jpa.generate-ddl=true = false

  • Name, password and database connection URL are read from environment variables
  • Use command line arguments to run application locally

Entity Class

Add package jpa and class Person:


Add package repository and class PersonRepository:


And now we can create a method to return data from database:

import com.kotlinspringvue.backend.jpa.Person
import com.kotlinspringvue.backend.repository.PersonRepository
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired

lateinit var personRepository: PersonRepository

fun getPersons() = personRepository.findAll()


Visit https://localhost:8080/api/persons to check controller works fine:


Ways to Improve

  • Implement controllers with specified database queries
  • Implement INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE database queries



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